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⭐ Jinyoung Song (송진영)

🎁 25th Mar 1998 Republic of Korea

🇰🇷 Korean

✉️ Email : [email protected]


👩🏻‍💻**GitHub** ✍🏻**Blog** 🔗**LinkedIn**

📋**Resume** 📝**Portfolio_kor**

I consider UI that looks good and UX that is good to use,

I focus on clean code,

I pursue continuous growth to become a better me.

Consideration, Communication and Improvement.

Three most Important values for me.

🛠️ Tech Stack

📕 Language Typecript Javascript Python

📙 Framework / Library React Next.js React Native

📗 MarkUp / Style HTML CSS SCSS Styled-Component emotion tailwind

📘 Tools Git Agile Waterfall Jira Trello Notion Figma Zeplin

👩🏻‍💻 Career